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1N5711 Diode schottky 70V 15mA DO-35 STM RoHS (lot de 5)1N5711 Diode schottky 70V 15mA DO-35 STM RoHS (lot de 5)
EUR 2.2
Category : Diodes schottky
Seller : distri-compo(24292, 100.0%)
S042P - SO42P - IC Mixer bipolar, 15V, 2.15mA, 14-PDIP, Original - SiemensS042P - SO42P - IC Mixer bipolar, 15V, 2.15mA, 14-PDIP, Original - Siemens
EUR 4.99
Category : Eingebettete Prozessoren & Steuerungen
Seller : danieleichne-2(210, 97.4%)
EUR 12.0
Category : Altro ricambi moto d'epoca
Seller : bebricambi(31576, 98.8%)
Konstantstromquelle LED Treiber 15mA LEDs an 4-24V AC/DC Mini KSQ 10 Stück S1117Konstantstromquelle LED Treiber 15mA LEDs an 4-24V AC/DC Mini KSQ 10 Stück S1117
EUR 20.1
Category : Lampen & Leuchten
Seller : kokologgo(224702, 99.8%)
Leuchtdioden-Set / 50 St.  ca. 2 V/15 mA 5mm  // Weiß, Gelb, Rot, Grün, BlauLeuchtdioden-Set / 50 St. ca. 2 V/15 mA 5mm // Weiß, Gelb, Rot, Grün, Blau
EUR 7.99
Category : Sonstige
Seller : profiandre(27531, 99.8%)
Glühlampe 130V 15mA 2W Ba9s 10x28mm Glühbirne Lampe Birne 130Volt 15mA 2Watt neuGlühlampe 130V 15mA 2W Ba9s 10x28mm Glühbirne Lampe Birne 130Volt 15mA 2Watt neu
EUR 2.99
Category : Lampen & LED-Leuchten
Seller : legantec24(35505, 99.7%)
BT151-500R Thyristor 500V 12A 15mA TO-220AB WeEn RoHSBT151-500R Thyristor 500V 12A 15mA TO-220AB WeEn RoHS
EUR 1.25
Category : Autres
Seller : distri-compo(24289, 100.0%)
LM4040C50ILPR V-Ref Precision 5V 15mA TO-92 Texas RoHS (lot de 10)LM4040C50ILPR V-Ref Precision 5V 15mA TO-92 Texas RoHS (lot de 10)
EUR 2.7
Category : Autres
Seller : distri-compo(24289, 100.0%)
50pcs Germanium Diode D9L Fuzz Pedal and Crystal Radio 100V 15mA USSR50pcs Germanium Diode D9L Fuzz Pedal and Crystal Radio 100V 15mA USSR
USD 13.95
Category : Diodes & Rectifiers
Seller : alexer1(41598, 99.8%)
Printtrafo BV2010146 Hahn 0,35VA Primär 230V Sekundär 2x12V 2x15mAPrinttrafo BV2010146 Hahn 0,35VA Primär 230V Sekundär 2x12V 2x15mA
EUR 2.63
Category : Stromtransformatoren
Seller : diepiratenkiste_de(1245, 100.0%)
LM4040CIZ-10 V-Ref Precision 10V 15mA TO-92 Texas RoHS (lot de 10)LM4040CIZ-10 V-Ref Precision 10V 15mA TO-92 Texas RoHS (lot de 10)
EUR 3.0
Category : Autres
Seller : distri-compo(24289, 100.0%)
CH6080104K Inductor Drossel  radial  100mH  15mA  420R  7,5x11mm CTC [2 pcs] #BPCH6080104K Inductor Drossel radial 100mH 15mA 420R 7,5x11mm CTC [2 pcs] #BP
EUR 4.8
Category : Drosseln, Spulen & Filter
Seller : darisusgmbh(71477, 99.6%)
S042P - SO42P - IC Mixer bipolar, 15V, 2.15mA, 14-PDIP, Original - SiemensS042P - SO42P - IC Mixer bipolar, 15V, 2.15mA, 14-PDIP, Original - Siemens
EUR 9.49
Category : Eingebettete Prozessoren & Steuerungen
Seller : awp-components(825, 99.8%)
Leuchtdioden-Set / 50 St.  ca. 2 V/15 mA 3mm  // Weiß, Gelb, Rot, Grün, BlauLeuchtdioden-Set / 50 St. ca. 2 V/15 mA 3mm // Weiß, Gelb, Rot, Grün, Blau
EUR 5.99
Category : Sonstige
Seller : profiandre(27621, 99.8%)
2N3820 - 2N 3820 TRANSISTOR PFET 20V IDSS=.3-15mA2N3820 - 2N 3820 TRANSISTOR PFET 20V IDSS=.3-15mA
EUR 1.2
Category : Altro circuiti integrati
Seller : ipertronica-it(116802, 99.4%)
BT151-650R Tiristore 650V 15mA 7.5A 12A TO-220AB -2Pcs(D1)BT151-650R Tiristore 650V 15mA 7.5A 12A TO-220AB -2Pcs(D1)
EUR 1.0
Category : Altro circuiti integrati
Seller : il_vagabondo77(958, 98.8%)
Konstantstromquelle LED Treiber 2 5 10 15 20 30 mA bis 11 LEDs 4-24V DC Mini KSQKonstantstromquelle LED Treiber 2 5 10 15 20 30 mA bis 11 LEDs 4-24V DC Mini KSQ
EUR 9.99
Category : Sonstige
Seller : kokologgo(226398, 99.8%)
LM4040C30ILP IC: Bezugsspannungsquelle 3V ±0,5% 15mA TO92 unverpackt TEXAS INLM4040C30ILP IC: Bezugsspannungsquelle 3V ±0,5% 15mA TO92 unverpackt TEXAS IN
EUR 8.35
Category : Eingebettete Prozessoren & Steuerungen
Seller : vuelectroniccomponents(60862, 99.7%)
Mèche plate frangée de lampe à pétrole 73 mm par 225 mm Matador 15 ''' ( MA3)Mèche plate frangée de lampe à pétrole 73 mm par 225 mm Matador 15 ''' ( MA3)
EUR 6.22
Category : Eclairage, lampes
Seller : kermaryv(20662, 99.9%)
100x D9L (Д9Л) Soviet Germanium  Diode 100V 15mA  NOS Lot 100pcs #590100x D9L (Д9Л) Soviet Germanium Diode 100V 15mA NOS Lot 100pcs #590
USD 14.45
Category : Diodes & Rectifiers
Seller : ua-sale(7532, 99.1%)