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Burmese burmite Cretaceous Two Coccoidea coccid insect fossil amber MyanmarBurmese burmite Cretaceous Two Coccoidea coccid insect fossil amber Myanmar
USD 99.0
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller :, 99.2%)
4 COCCOIDEA Scale Insects & 5 Mites Fossil Genuine BALTIC AMBER + HQ Pic 2208164 COCCOIDEA Scale Insects & 5 Mites Fossil Genuine BALTIC AMBER + HQ Pic 220816
USD 64.99
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller : rmvveta(20629, 100.0%)
Schildläuse oder Coccoidea  Pflanzenlaus Läuse  Insekten  Farbdruck 1956Schildläuse oder Coccoidea Pflanzenlaus Läuse Insekten Farbdruck 1956
EUR 6.95
Category : Kunstdrucke
Seller : ropi1958(3830, 100.0%)
Schildläuse oder Coccoidea  San-Jose Schildlaus Läuse  Insekten  Farbdruck 1956Schildläuse oder Coccoidea San-Jose Schildlaus Läuse Insekten Farbdruck 1956
EUR 6.95
Category : Kunstdrucke
Seller : ropi1958(3830, 100.0%)
GIANT Scale Insect COCCOIDEA Margarodidae Genuine BALTIC AMBER + HQ Pic 200325GIANT Scale Insect COCCOIDEA Margarodidae Genuine BALTIC AMBER + HQ Pic 200325
USD 99.99
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller : rmvveta(20629, 100.0%)
Swarm of Coccoidea (Scale Insect), Fossil insect inclusion in Burmese AmberSwarm of Coccoidea (Scale Insect), Fossil insect inclusion in Burmese Amber
USD 285.0
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller : fossilamberinclusion(1878, 100.0%)
Coccoidea (Scale Insect), Fossil insect inclusions in Burmese AmberCoccoidea (Scale Insect), Fossil insect inclusions in Burmese Amber
USD 24.0
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller : fossilamberinclusion(1888, 100.0%)
Stampa antica INSETTI COCCINIGLIA Coccoidea 1841 Old Antique printStampa antica INSETTI COCCINIGLIA Coccoidea 1841 Old Antique print
EUR 10.0
Category : Stampe
Seller : merlini16(5518, 99.6%)
Swarm of Coccoidea (Scale Insect), Fossil inclusion in Burmese AmberSwarm of Coccoidea (Scale Insect), Fossil inclusion in Burmese Amber
USD 165.0
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller : fossilamberinclusion(1868, 100.0%)
Large WINGLESS SCALE INSECT Coccoidea Genuine BALTIC AMBER + HQ Pic 190917Large WINGLESS SCALE INSECT Coccoidea Genuine BALTIC AMBER + HQ Pic 190917
USD 49.99
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller : rmvveta(20629, 100.0%)
RARE Scale Insect PUTOIDAE Giant Mealybug Coccoidea BALTIC AMBER 181106-64 +IMGRARE Scale Insect PUTOIDAE Giant Mealybug Coccoidea BALTIC AMBER 181106-64 +IMG
USD 67.49
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller : rmvveta(20629, 100.0%)
Schildläuse Coccoidea Schildlaus Farbdruck von 1959 AgrarschädlingeSchildläuse Coccoidea Schildlaus Farbdruck von 1959 Agrarschädlinge
EUR 8.5
Category : Sonstige
Seller : 005bond(19212, 99.6%)
Signe des Poux Coccoidea Cochenille Impression Couleur De 1959 AgrarschädlingeSigne des Poux Coccoidea Cochenille Impression Couleur De 1959 Agrarschädlinge
EUR 9.61
Category : Insectes, araignées
Seller : 005bond(19177, 99.6%)
Coccid Coccoidea. Fossil insect in Baltic amber #11399Coccid Coccoidea. Fossil insect in Baltic amber #11399
GBP 11.33
Category : Insects & Amber
Seller : amberinclusions-eu(158, 100.0%)
SPREAD WINGS Scale Insect COCCOIDEA Coccid Genuine BALTIC AMBER 200512-70 +IMGSPREAD WINGS Scale Insect COCCOIDEA Coccid Genuine BALTIC AMBER 200512-70 +IMG
USD 14.99
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller : rmvveta(20629, 100.0%)
Coccid Coccoidea. Fossil insect in Baltic amber #11399Coccid Coccoidea. Fossil insect in Baltic amber #11399
USD 15.0
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller : amberinclusions-eu(158, 100.0%)
USD 44.99
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller : rmvveta(20629, 100.0%)
Coccid Coccoidea ?Ortheziidae and More. Fossil inclusions Baltic amber #9842Coccid Coccoidea ?Ortheziidae and More. Fossil inclusions Baltic amber #9842
GBP 22.81
Category : Insects & Amber
Seller : amberinclusions-eu(159, 100.0%)
Coccoidea (Scale Insect), Fossil inclusion in Burmese AmberCoccoidea (Scale Insect), Fossil inclusion in Burmese Amber
USD 28.0
Category : Insects, Hexapods
Seller : fossilamberinclusion(1890, 100.0%)
Борхсениус Определитель червецов щитовок coccoidea Армении 1949 Insects ArmeniaБорхсениус Определитель червецов щитовок coccoidea Армении 1949 Insects Armenia
USD 30.0
Category : Antiquarian & Collectible
Seller : rarebookpanther(159, 100.0%)