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Performativit by Ina Temeschinko (German) Paperback BookPerformativit by Ina Temeschinko (German) Paperback Book
AUD 68.26
Category : Books
Seller : the_nile(1234567, 98.8%)
Wie konomisches Wissen wirksam wird: Von der Performativit?ts- zur VerwendungsfoWie konomisches Wissen wirksam wird: Von der Performativit?ts- zur Verwendungsfo
AUD 42.14
Category : Adult Learning & University
Seller : the_nile(1234254, 98.8%)
Zur Genese des Sozialen: Mimesis, Performativit?t, RitualZur Genese des Sozialen: Mimesis, Performativit?t, Ritual
GBP 4.17
Category : Books
Seller : webuybooks(2303431, 99.3%)
Performativit�t und Rhetorik der Redlichkeit (Paperback or Softback)Performativit�t und Rhetorik der Redlichkeit (Paperback or Softback)
USD 23.29
Category : Books
Seller : bargainbookstores(1122089, 99.2%)
Exkurs zur Entwicklung von Butlers Begriff der Performativit by Daniel Ackerman Exkurs zur Entwicklung von Butlers Begriff der Performativit by Daniel Ackerman
AUD 69.6
Category : Adult Learning & University
Seller : the_nile(1234449, 98.8%)
Organisationaler Wandel von Wissenschaftsorganisationen: Eine performativit?tsthOrganisationaler Wandel von Wissenschaftsorganisationen: Eine performativit?tsth
AUD 144.21
Category : Books
Seller : the_nile(1234297, 98.8%)
Managerialismo e performativit nell'educazione brasiliana by Juliano Mota ParentManagerialismo e performativit nell'educazione brasiliana by Juliano Mota Parent
AUD 140.99
Category : Books
Seller : the_nile(1234823, 98.8%)
Aurore de Nietzsche: La Performativit? de l'Illusion by David Simonin Hardcover Aurore de Nietzsche: La Performativit? de l'Illusion by David Simonin Hardcover
AUD 158.47
Category : Books
Seller : the_nile(1234058, 98.8%)
Sparsam - Wie konomisches Wissen wirksam wird   Von der Performativit - T555zSparsam - Wie konomisches Wissen wirksam wird Von der Performativit - T555z
GBP 16.43
Category : Adult Learning & University
Seller : ihaveit_music(79516, 99.1%)
Pdagogische Wissensformen in der Lehrer(innen)bildung: Ein performativit?tstheorPdagogische Wissensformen in der Lehrer(innen)bildung: Ein performativit?tstheor
AUD 67.67
Category : Adult Learning & University
Seller : the_nile(1234509, 98.8%)
Gendering the First-in-Family Experience: Transitions, Liminality, PerformativitGendering the First-in-Family Experience: Transitions, Liminality, Performativit
GBP 38.51
Category : Adult Learning & University
Seller : the_nile_uk_store(37922, 98.9%)
Managerialismo e performativit nell'educazione brasiliana by Juliano Mota ParentManagerialismo e performativit nell'educazione brasiliana by Juliano Mota Parent
GBP 81.94
Category : Books
Seller : the_nile_uk_store(37457, 98.9%)
Managrialisme et performativit dans l'ducation brsilienne by Juliano Mota ParentManagrialisme et performativit dans l'ducation brsilienne by Juliano Mota Parent
GBP 81.94
Category : Books
Seller : the_nile_uk_store(37455, 98.9%)
Friedrich - Wie wird Geschlecht hergestellt? Zur Performativit?t und d - T555zFriedrich - Wie wird Geschlecht hergestellt? Zur Performativit?t und d - T555z
GBP 31.85
Category : Books
Seller : ihaveit_music(79489, 99.1%)
Managerialismo e performativit nell'educazione brasiliana by Juliano Mota ParentManagerialismo e performativit nell'educazione brasiliana by Juliano Mota Parent
USD 74.06
Category : Textbooks
Seller : grandeagleretail(939145, 98.2%)
Gendering the First-in-Family Experience: Transitions, Liminality, PerformativitGendering the First-in-Family Experience: Transitions, Liminality, Performativit
AUD 76.69
Category : Books
Seller : the_nile(1235744, 98.8%)
Die Innenwelt der konomie: Wissen, Macht und Performativit?t in der WirtschaftswDie Innenwelt der konomie: Wissen, Macht und Performativit?t in der Wirtschaftsw
AUD 145.74
Category : Adult Learning & University
Seller : the_nile(1234150, 98.8%)
Gendering the First-in-Family Experience: Transitions, Liminality, PerformativitGendering the First-in-Family Experience: Transitions, Liminality, Performativit
USD 53.36
Category : Textbooks
Seller : grandeagleretail(939134, 98.2%)
Gendering the First-in-Family Experience: Transitions, Liminality, PerformativitGendering the First-in-Family Experience: Transitions, Liminality, Performativit
AUD 379.65
Category : Books
Seller : the_nile(1234226, 98.8%)
Transformationen des Religisen: Performativit??t und Textualit??t im geistlichenTransformationen des Religisen: Performativit??t und Textualit??t im geistlichen
AUD 308.57
Category : Books
Seller : the_nile(1234395, 98.8%)